Will Moriarty has a local flavor of his own that he's been sharing through his Tampa Fanzine, La Floridiana since the 1970's. He is proud of his heritage, passionate about planting trees, and not afraid to fights for his piece of paradise.

But you can see for yourself. Here's a recent article in his column.
The Fabulous Architecture of the Tampa Bay Region, Part Two

Will was introduced to the Beaux Arts culture by his sister, Merry Moor Winnett.

Hello and Happy New Year!

The Tampa Bay Reforestation and Environmental Effort, Inc., planted 850 bare root South Florida Slash Pine seedlings in the median of Gandy Boulevard (S.R. 694) between 4th and 9th Streets North in St. Petersburg, Florida between Tuesday January 16th and Wednesday January 17th 2007 in memory of Thomas Bruce Reese and the Beaux Arts Center.

William Moriaty, President
Tampa Bay Reforestation and Environmental Effort, Inc.